Flying cities in ancient India – fairy tales or real air vehicles?

Ancient Hindu texts, such as Mahabharata or Ramayana, in addition to the previously discussed topic of nuclear weapons, also provide very interesting descriptions of flying cities, built and operated by countless ancient Hindu Gods, thousands of years ago.

This is very interesting, considering the low level of technical awareness of people living at that time, who described the observed phenomena and unidentified flying vehicles in their own words. The level of technical education of modern people allows us in our time to correctly interpret ancient descriptions that may have been incomprehensible to the ancient inhabitants of the earth…

Mahabharata, Book of Drona Parva:

…Originally, the brave Asuras had three cities in the sky. Each of these cities was large and wonderfully constructed. One was made of iron, the second of silver and the third of gold. The golden city belonged to the god Kamalaksha, the silver city to the god Tarakaksha, and the third city, the one made of iron, belonged to Vidyunmalin. Despite all the weapons at his disposal, Maghavat failed to make any impression on these celestial cities…

…Siva, who was flying in this wonderful vehicle composed of all heavenly powers, prepared to destroy the three cities… …When the three cities then came together on the firnat, the god Mahadeva pierced them with a terrible ray of triple stripes. The Danavas were unable to oppose this ray, which was inspired by the Yuga fire and consisted of Vishnu and Soma. When all three cities began to burn, Parvati rushed there to enjoy the sight…

The Mahavira of Bhavabhuti – an 8th century text also gives an “otherworldly description”:

…The aerial chariot, Puśpaka (Pushpaka), carries people to the capital of Ayoja (Ayodhya). The sky was filled with astonishingly large flying machines, dark as night, but recognizable by their yellowish lights…


…The Pushpaka vehicle, resembling the Sun and belonging to my brother, was brought by the mighty Ravana; this perfect aerial vehicle that could fly anywhere at will… this vehicle like a bright cloud in the sky… And then the king [Rama] boarded, and the perfect vehicle, at the command of Raghira, rose high into the sky…

Sanskrit text of the Samarangana Sutradhara:

…The body of the vimana must be strong and durable, like a large bird made of light material. A mercury engine should be placed inside, with an iron heating apparatus underneath. Thanks to the power hidden in the mercury, which sets the propelling whirlwind of air in motion, a person sitting inside can fly great distances in the sky. The movements of the vimana are such that, it can rise vertically and descend vertically, and when tilted it can move forward and backward. Thanks to these machines, people can fly in the air, and people of heaven can come to earth…

The above quotes are just the tip of the iceberg, more can be found in Hindu “holy” books, as well as other “holy” books written in communities throughout the ancient world.

The big question for today is: will we, modern people, still turn a blind eye to this type of messages, treating them as fairy tales or a “mystery of faith”, or are we already able to recognize the technical descriptions of flying vehicles left to us by our ancient ancestors?

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