Adam – the first man taken alive to heaven by representatives of an alien civilization

Adam, according to the Bible, is the first man placed by the Creator in the Garden of Eden, the husband of Eve and the father of 3 sons: Cain, Abel and Seth. In previous posts I tried to prove that Adam had more than one wife and that together with Eve they were created in Africa and then placed in the Garden of Eden in Mesopotamia. In today’s entry I would like to expand our inquiries about Adam, suggesting that he had more children, and most interestingly, he was the first man taken into space and returned alive to Earth.

One of the best sources, in this case, is the apocryphal Book of Jubilees, also known as the Apocalypse of Moses.

Adam, according to the Book of Jubilees, had 63 children and died at the age of 930:

Michael stood on Eve’s right, touched her and said: blessed are you because of Adam…
And she gave birth to a son. Immediately the child began to run and to grasp herbs with his hands and bring them to his mother.
This was Cain. Then Eve gave birth to Abel. When Cain killed Abel, Adam was already 130 years old.
After the birth of his third son Seth, Adam lived 800 years and had thirty sons and thirty daughters. In all – 63 children and they are multiplied on the earth in their nations.

Which is also confirmed by the Bible:
Genesis 5:5

5 And all the time that Adam lived, came to nine hundred and thirty years, and he died.

Adam, according to the text from the Book of Jubilees, told Seth his vision: that he had been kidnapped to heaven by the Archangel Michael and heard from God’s mouth the announcement of his death, but at the same time the assurance of the future of his offspring. This is one of the best descriptions of the kidnapping of a man by aliens in ancient written texts.

The Archangel Michael,
the messenger of God, came to me.
And I saw a chariot like a whirlwind,
and its wheels were like blazing fires.
And they carried me up to Paradise.
And I saw the Lord sitting,
but his face was bursting with fire,
which could not be withstood.

When Adam’s life was ending, Eve and Seth took him “to the place from whence he came” (to the vicinity of Paradise/Eden), where they also had an “unearthly” vision. The sun, moon and other stars went dark for 7 days, which is associated with a strange, inexplicable phenomenon in space or the deliberate action of extraterrestrials:

The sun and moon went dark for 7 days…
and behold, Archangel Michael stood by Adam’s head and said to Seth:
…come to me and see what the Lord God has decided about him;
he is his creation and he has pity on him.

Then the heavens opened and Eve experienced a vision of a “chariot of light driven by four angels”.

From the above fragments, we can safely assume that the “first people” experienced a close encounter with extraterrestrials, were taken to “heaven” or aboard a mother ship orbiting the Earth, and this may suggest that we were (are) the product of genetic engineering by representatives of an alien civilization that established a colony on Earth.

This is of course our own interpretation of old messages, but the question of whether it makes sense is something everyone must answer for themselves.

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