Chavin de Huantar – the lost temple of Ezekiel?

chavin de huantar

In today’s post I want to check whether the temple to which the prophet Ezekiel was taken exists, or did exist, and whether it could be Chavin de Huantar in present-day Peru. The temple at Chavin de Huantar lies southeast of Huaraz in the western part of central Peru, near the hamlet of Machac at … Read more

Did an extraterrestrial spaceship explode in Earth’s orbit in 1955?


On December 18, 1955, an object with a diameter of about 80 meters exploded in Earth’s orbit, which broke into 10 pieces. According to various hypotheses and computer calculations, the object could have been a block of ice, a meteorite or, most interestingly, an extraterrestrial spaceship. How is this possible? American astronomer John P. Bagby, … Read more

Did Abraham bargain with the Creator or a physical person from another planet for 50 righteous?

abraham and 3 angels

In one of my previous posts I presented the story of the rescue of Lot, Abraham’s nephew, from Sodom by extraterrestrials, trying to prove that he was saved by flesh-and-blood people, not “angels”. In today’s post I would like to take up this topic, going back in time a little, before the destruction of Sodom … Read more

Is the moon Phobos a way station for intelligent extraterrestrials?


Phobos (Greek Φόβος ‘fear’) – the larger of the two moons of Mars. A natural satellite orbiting the closest to its planet in the Solar System. In Greek mythology, Phobos was the son of Ares (Mars) and Aphrodite (Venus). Phobos Program (Russian: Фобос) – a flight program of two Soviet unmanned space probes sent in … Read more

Are fallen angels a rebellious group of representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization?

paradise lost

Fallen angels, according to the Judaic and Christian concept, are angels who, through their actions, opposed the will of the Creator, for which they were punished by exile from heaven. Such angels often tempt people to sin. The leader of the fallen angels was the most beautiful among angels, Lucifer, the son of the Morning … Read more

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