Ruwa – 1994 Close Encounter of the Third Kind in Zimbabwe

Ruwa is a town in the Mashonaland East Province of Zimbabwe, located 22 km southeast of the capital Harare, on the main Harare-Mutare highway and railway line. Ariel School was an expensive private school in Ruwa, and most of the students were from wealthy white families in Harare.

The mass UFO sighting incident occurred on September 16, 1994 at Ariel School, but first things first.

1. Two days before the Ariel incident, there were numerous UFO sightings reported throughout southern Africa. There were numerous reports of a bright ball of fire flying through the sky at night.

2. On September 16 at 10 a.m., students went outside for a break from classes, while teachers stayed inside. Sixty-two students, ages six to twelve, reported seeing one or more silver aircraft descend from the sky and land in a field near their school. Some of the children claimed that one or more of the creatures dressed in black approached them and telepathically gave them an environmental message that scared them and caused them to cry. The entire incident lasted about 15 minutes. The children reported what they saw to their teachers, and when they returned home, they reported it to their parents.

3. Harvard University psychiatry professor and Pulitzer Prize winner John Mack visited Ariel School to interview witnesses. At least 62 children reported seeing a UFO that landed in a field behind the school, from which four black-clad beings with large, black eyes emerged. The UFOs were said to have telepathically conveyed a message to the children, with one fifth-grade student recounting how he was warned “about something that was going to happen” and that “there could be no pollution.”

4. The children insisted they had not seen the plane. Some of the children believed the small, short beings were tikoloshes, creatures from Shona and Ndebele folklore, and described the UFO as having a light that “flashed a different color in the sky.”

Facts that contradict the Ruwa UFO sighting:
a. Some witnesses interpreted the fireball as a comet or meteor.
b. The fireball “was the return of a Zenit-2 rocket from the Cosmos 2290 satellite.”
c. The children misidentified a dust devil.
d. The children, interviewed in groups of four to six, listened to their predecessors’ stories and repeated the same.
e. The children were manipulated by the adults who interrogated them, convincing them of an interpretation of the events.
f. One of the witnesses, years later, confessed that he convinced other children that the “shiny rock in the distance” was a UFO.

So we have two different versions of events to compare and interpret:
1. 62 children had a collective hallucination, seeing unearthly flying objects and humanoid beings that came out of them. 62 children saw a flying object that did not look like an airplane, so they were unable to interpret it correctly and described it as best they could.

2. One of the children convinced others that the “shiny rock in the distance” was a UFO, the children picked up on this and passed it on, creating an alternative version of events. The children were also manipulated during the interrogations and repeated what other children said, and what the adults suggested to them.

Now we need to ask an important question: were the children lying when they told their UFO story (but why would they lie), or did the children from Ariel School in Ruwa experience something incredible, an encounter with visitors from other civilizations, something that most adults cannot comprehend in their minds, closed by modern science and religion?

As always, I will leave the attempt to answer this question to each individual.

Source of the Ruwa UFO image:

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