Is Abraham another man taken alive to heaven by extraterrestrials?


In several previous posts I have tried to prove that the “taking to heaven” of the biblical patriarchs such as Adam, Enoch, Ezekiel and Elijah was nothing more than being “taken on board” an alien aircraft by extraterrestrial beings. Today’s post presents a short history of one of the most important patriarchs of antiquity, from … Read more

Did Abraham bargain with the Creator or a physical person from another planet for 50 righteous?

abraham and 3 angels

In one of my previous posts I presented the story of the rescue of Lot, Abraham’s nephew, from Sodom by extraterrestrials, trying to prove that he was saved by flesh-and-blood people, not “angels”. In today’s post I would like to take up this topic, going back in time a little, before the destruction of Sodom … Read more

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