Why did the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years?

israelites escape from egypt

The Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt under the leadership of Moses and his brother Aaron is well known in the Judeo-Christian religions. The Biblical Book of Exodus and the Book of Numbers describe in quite detail the entire journey of the Israelites, starting with the “miracles” (plagues of Egypt) of Moses at the court … Read more

Are the Biblical Anakites descendants of the Anunnaki?


Probably the oldest surviving written stories come from Mesopotamia, Sumer, and Babylon, which indicate that the Anunnaki came to Earth and created Homo Sapiens. If the cuneiform clay tablets discovered in the ancient cities of Nippur, Nineveh, Ur, and many others provide the oldest accounts, later used in the Bible, then we must ask whether … Read more

Moses, the Israelites and Encounters with Aliens in the Sinai Desert

the brazen serpent

In a few previous posts I touched on the subject of Moses and the Israelites, who, among other things, experienced a collective observation of an unidentified flying object on Mount Sinai and produced manna in the desert using a machine called the “Ageing Old Man”, received from “higher beings”. Moses is a very interesting and … Read more

Is Abraham another man taken alive to heaven by extraterrestrials?


In several previous posts I have tried to prove that the “taking to heaven” of the biblical patriarchs such as Adam, Enoch, Ezekiel and Elijah was nothing more than being “taken on board” an alien aircraft by extraterrestrial beings. Today’s post presents a short history of one of the most important patriarchs of antiquity, from … Read more

Adam – the first man taken alive to heaven by representatives of an alien civilization

adam and eve

Adam, according to the Bible, is the first man placed by the Creator in the Garden of Eden, the husband of Eve and the father of 3 sons: Cain, Abel and Seth. In previous posts I tried to prove that Adam had more than one wife and that together with Eve they were created in … Read more

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