Is Lahmu/Mars a former Anunnaki way station?

terrestial planets

In one of my previous posts, I discussed the incidents of the Soviet probes Phobos-1 and Phobos-2, which disappeared near Mars, specifically near its moon Phobos. According to various theories, the moon Phobos is inhabited by alien beings or managed by an automated system of machines and computers of an alien civilization. To confirm this … Read more

If the Anunnaki created us, so who created them?


The story of the creation of the world and people is present in ancient texts and oral traditions all over the world. Some of the oldest written accounts were found in the ruins of King Ashurbanipal’s library in the Assyrian capital of Nineveh, which is located in present-day Iraq. King Ashurbanipal was, colloquially speaking, a … Read more

Did an extraterrestrial spaceship explode in Earth’s orbit in 1955?


On December 18, 1955, an object with a diameter of about 80 meters exploded in Earth’s orbit, which broke into 10 pieces. According to various hypotheses and computer calculations, the object could have been a block of ice, a meteorite or, most interestingly, an extraterrestrial spaceship. How is this possible? American astronomer John P. Bagby, … Read more

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