Why did the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years?

israelites escape from egypt

The Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt under the leadership of Moses and his brother Aaron is well known in the Judeo-Christian religions. The Biblical Book of Exodus and the Book of Numbers describe in quite detail the entire journey of the Israelites, starting with the “miracles” (plagues of Egypt) of Moses at the court … Read more

Moses, the Israelites and Encounters with Aliens in the Sinai Desert

the brazen serpent

In a few previous posts I touched on the subject of Moses and the Israelites, who, among other things, experienced a collective observation of an unidentified flying object on Mount Sinai and produced manna in the desert using a machine called the “Ageing Old Man”, received from “higher beings”. Moses is a very interesting and … Read more

Were Aaron’s sons burned alive by the Ark of the Covenant because they disregarded the technology of extraterrestrials?


In today’s post, I would like to draw attention to one of the aspects of the functionality of the Ark of the Covenant, which was the ability for the Israelites to talk to the Lord. According to the Bible, the Lord/Creator appeared to the Israelites above the upper plate closing the Ark and between the … Read more

Is the Old Man the Israelites’ manna machine?

manna from heaven

In today’s story, I would like to take a closer look at a rather unusual thing that the Israelites had while wandering in the Sinai Desert after leaving Egyptian captivity. For 40 years of wandering, the people of Israel ate manna every day, which they collected (they received 1 omer per family) 6 days a … Read more

Were the Israelites involved in a collective sighting of an unidentified flying object on Mount Sinai?

mount sinai

In today’s story, I would like to take a closer look at the phenomenon involving an unidentified flying object that took place in the times of Moses, the departure of the Israelites from Egyptian captivity and their 40-year journey to the promised land. A phenomenon or unusual aerial phenomenon was observed by a very large … Read more

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