Are the Biblical Anakites descendants of the Anunnaki?


Probably the oldest surviving written stories come from Mesopotamia, Sumer, and Babylon, which indicate that the Anunnaki came to Earth and created Homo Sapiens. If the cuneiform clay tablets discovered in the ancient cities of Nippur, Nineveh, Ur, and many others provide the oldest accounts, later used in the Bible, then we must ask whether … Read more

Did Gilgamesh and Enkidu defeat the machine in the cedar forest on the way to the Anunnaki rocket port?


The Akkadian Epic of Gilgamesh describes the search for the secret or source of immortality by the legendary Uruk (or Unug) king Gilgamesh. The epic is based on earlier Sumerian tales about this ruler. Gilgamesh’s traveling companion and friend Enkidu is said to be a humanoid being, previously running around the steppe like an animal, … Read more

Was the flood a natural phenomenon or artificially caused by extraterrestrial beings?

noah ark

Contrary to the accepted view, the story of the global flood is not just a biblical event, but has sources in most religions and societies around the world. This gives strong indications that the Flood actually happened, flooding most of the then existing continents and killing most of life on Earth. The first mention of … Read more

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