Was the flood a natural phenomenon or artificially caused by extraterrestrial beings?

noah ark

Contrary to the accepted view, the story of the global flood is not just a biblical event, but has sources in most religions and societies around the world. This gives strong indications that the Flood actually happened, flooding most of the then existing continents and killing most of life on Earth. The first mention of … Read more

Were the first humans Adam and Eve been created in the Garden of Eden or somewhere else?

map of eden

In today’s post, I decided to take an in-depth look at the origins of the first people – Adam and Eve. While reading the Bible, as one of my most interesting and extensive sources, but not the only one, I came across a dissonance related to Adam and Eve, which caused the current search. All … Read more

Did extraterrestrials help Jared reach the America hundreds of years before Columbus?


Today’s story I want to tell you about Jered and his people, who probably reached South America from Sumer many centuries ago, several thousand years before Columbus. Jered is a Biblical character, the son of Mahalaleel, a direct descendant of Seth, the son of Adam and Eve. Ether, who wrote the Book of Jered, was … Read more

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