UFO over Washington 1952

flying saucer

One of the more interesting incidents involving unidentified flying objects is a series of sightings from July 1952 from the US capital, Washington. The incidents were accompanied by radar sightings in the Washington area and were the first sightings that were reported as potentially physical craft operated by intelligent beings from another planet. The CIA … Read more

Did Soviet cosmonauts have a close encounter with extraterrestrials in 1984?

salyut 7

In today’s post, I decided to discuss the incident from 1984, in which Soviet cosmonauts aboard the Salyut 7 space station observed “glowing angels” in space. Salyut 7 (DOS-6 (Durable Orbital Station 6)) was the last manned space station sent into orbit as part of the Salyut program. Salyut 7 was a space station in … Read more

Westall 1966 – Close Encounter of UFO Seen by Over 200 People


The Westall UFO incident is a report of a UFO sighting that occurred on April 6, 1966, in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. More than 200 students and teachers from two state schools allegedly witnessed the sighting of a UFO that landed in a nearby pine forest in an area known as the Grange (now a nature … Read more

Chavin de Huantar – the lost temple of Ezekiel?

chavin de huantar

In today’s post I want to check whether the temple to which the prophet Ezekiel was taken exists, or did exist, and whether it could be Chavin de Huantar in present-day Peru. The temple at Chavin de Huantar lies southeast of Huaraz in the western part of central Peru, near the hamlet of Machac at … Read more

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