Chavin de Huantar – the lost temple of Ezekiel?

chavin de huantar

In today’s post I want to check whether the temple to which the prophet Ezekiel was taken exists, or did exist, and whether it could be Chavin de Huantar in present-day Peru. The temple at Chavin de Huantar lies southeast of Huaraz in the western part of central Peru, near the hamlet of Machac at … Read more

Did an extraterrestrial spaceship explode in Earth’s orbit in 1955?


On December 18, 1955, an object with a diameter of about 80 meters exploded in Earth’s orbit, which broke into 10 pieces. According to various hypotheses and computer calculations, the object could have been a block of ice, a meteorite or, most interestingly, an extraterrestrial spaceship. How is this possible? American astronomer John P. Bagby, … Read more

Is the moon Phobos a way station for intelligent extraterrestrials?


Phobos (Greek Φόβος ‘fear’) – the larger of the two moons of Mars. A natural satellite orbiting the closest to its planet in the Solar System. In Greek mythology, Phobos was the son of Ares (Mars) and Aphrodite (Venus). Phobos Program (Russian: Фобос) – a flight program of two Soviet unmanned space probes sent in … Read more

Did Gilgamesh and Enkidu defeat the machine in the cedar forest on the way to the Anunnaki rocket port?


The Akkadian Epic of Gilgamesh describes the search for the secret or source of immortality by the legendary Uruk (or Unug) king Gilgamesh. The epic is based on earlier Sumerian tales about this ruler. Gilgamesh’s traveling companion and friend Enkidu is said to be a humanoid being, previously running around the steppe like an animal, … Read more

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