UFO in Emilcin – facts or hoax?

Emilcin – a village in Poland located in the Lublin province, in the Opole district, in the Opole Lubelskie commune. The incident took place on May 10, 1978. Jan Wolski, a farmer from Emilcin, was supposedly accosted by two short visitors, dressed in black jumpsuits with hoods, while returning from Dąbrowa Pusznieńska. They were supposed to communicate using sharp and squeaky sounds.

After driving about three hundred meters, he noticed a silver vehicle hanging at a height of 4-5 meters.

According to Wolski, a pure white unidentified flying object, about 14.75 feet (4.5 m) – 16.5 feet (5.0 m) high and “as long as a bus”, was floating in the air at a height of about 16 feet (4.9 m). There were no noticeable external features of the vehicle (i.e. lights, connections, etc.). Wolski mentioned that there were four objects made of black material on the vehicle that looked like a drill, which made a buzzing sound. A platform resembling an elevator attached to the rising vehicle fell to the ground.

A platform was supposed to lower from this object, from which a visitor came out inviting Wolski inside. Wolski was supposed to enter the spaceship, where he underwent tests. There were also several jackdaws and crows inside. After the tests, Wolski was supposed to exit the spaceship and say goodbye to the aliens. The meeting in the spaceship was supposed to last a few minutes.

After returning home, Jan Wolski was supposed to tell his sons about the meeting with the mysterious visitors, who were then supposed to inform their neighbors about the incident. A group of Emilcin residents went to the place where the ship was supposed to have stopped, but at the site they were supposed to find only footprints imprinted in the meadow.

Lieutenant Stanisław Plis, commander of the police station in Opole Lubelskie, conducted a site inspection in Emilcin and interrogated Wolski. In his report, he wrote that the farmer had dreamed the whole event.

The Wolski family was contacted by amateur ufologist Witold Wawrzonek, who informed paranormal researcher Zbigniew Blania about the alleged event in Emilcin. After Wolski contacted Blania, the farmer underwent medical examinations. According to psychiatrist Dr. Ryszard Krasilewicz, Jan Wolski did not make up the story.

The story of the alleged UFO landing in Emilcin was taken up by publicist Bartosz Rdułtowski, who in 2012 announced that the whole thing was a hoax carried out by Witold Wawrzonek.

The village is home to the only existing UFO monument in Poland, unveiled on October 15, 2005. The monument is associated with the so-called “Emilcin event,” an alleged encounter of a villager with extraterrestrials.

It is difficult to unequivocally dispute the account of Jan Wolski’s close encounter with a UFO in Emilicin. If we do not dispute this, should we believe that it actually happened?

As always, everyone must answer this question for themselves.

This post is based on an article from Wikipedia, available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emilcin_Abduction

The photo of the UFO monument in Emilicin comes from Wikipedia; author: Lukke; License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5.

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