Were the first humans Adam and Eve been created in the Garden of Eden or somewhere else?

In today’s post, I decided to take an in-depth look at the origins of the first people – Adam and Eve.

While reading the Bible, as one of my most interesting and extensive sources, but not the only one, I came across a dissonance related to Adam and Eve, which caused the current search.

All my life I have lived in the deep belief that Adam and Eve came from Eden, this was taught to me when I was a child and no one has even tried to correct it until this day.

What’s the problem?

According to the Bible, God created man and placed him in the Garden of Eden – he did NOT create him in the Eden, but was transferred there AFTER creation.

Genesis 2:7-8

7 And the Lord God formed man of the slime of the earth: and breathed into his face the breath of life, and man became a living soul.
8 And the Lord God had planted a paradise of pleasure from the beginning: wherein he placed man whom he had formed.

Taking the biblical information literally, not allegorically, man was placed in Eden, which was located in the east, so the place where the first man was created was west of Eden, at an unspecified distance.

If we accept the discoveries of archaeologists, interpretations of biblical scholars and representatives of other sciences, including pseudosciences (still) such as paleoastronomy, we can assume that the Garden of Eden was located between four rivers: Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel (Tiger) and Perat (Euphrates), which, connecting into one, flowing into today’s Persian Gulf.

So the place where the first man was created must have been on the west of Mesopotamia.

Confirmation of the creation of the first people NOT in the Garden of Eden is interesting information from the apocryphal Book of Jubilees, also called the Apocalypse of Moses or the Testament of Moses. It was written in Jerusalem around the 2nd century BC. during the time of the 2nd Temple. Moses received and wrote down all the information contained in this book from the Creator or an angel during his (Moses’) stay on Mount Sinai.

Book of Jubilees 3:1-2,8

1 And in the sixth day of the second sabbath we brought, by the command of the Lord, to Adam all the animals and all the beasts and all the birds and every thing that moves on the earth and every thing that moves in the water, each according to their kind, and each according to their similarity: on the first day the animals; the beasts on the second day; the birds on the third day; every thing that moves on the earth the fourth day; whatever moves in the water on the fifth day.
2 And Adam gave unto each its name; and as he called them, this was their name.
8 And when Adam had completed forty days in the land where he had been created, we brought him into the garden of Eden, that he should work it and watch it; but his wife they brought in on the eightieth day, and after this she entered the garden;

The third, interesting aspect of this matter is dating of the creation of the first humans on earth, Homo sapiens, by anthropologists and geneticists, approximately 250,000 years ago, in southeastern Africa.

The fourth, last, and no less interesting thread is the interpretation of Sitchin, who based his theories on translated cuneiform tablets excavated from Nippur, Nineveh and other places in what is now Iraq.

According to Sitchin, the Anunnaki, after the failure to extract gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf, moved south-east of their headquarters in Mesopitamia, to southern/southeast Africa, to mine gold from those regions (discovered gold mines in South Africa date back to over 150000 years).
Then the Anunnaki working in the gold mine rebelled, which resulted in the creation of a hybrid of the Anunnaki and probably Homo erectus as a slave who took over the hardest work.

The Anunnaki, based in their headquarters in Mesopotamia, also wanted slaves to relieve them of the hardest work, so Homo sapiens were transported from Africa to Eden (E.DIN in Sumerian).

All the threads of this story intertwine, providing a hypothetical option for their credibility.

So the big question I want to ask today is: was Homo sapiens created in Africa, created by representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization, and then transported to Eden? Or is this another allegorical story, created to calm the conscience and nerves of modern people?

As usual, I leave the answer to each person individually.

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