Why did the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years?

The Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt under the leadership of Moses and his brother Aaron is well known in the Judeo-Christian religions.

The Biblical Book of Exodus and the Book of Numbers describe in quite detail the entire journey of the Israelites, starting with the “miracles” (plagues of Egypt) of Moses at the court of Pharaoh Amenhotep III, crossing the Red Sea (possibly the Great or Little Bitter Lake) on dry ground, the many years of wandering in the Sinai desert, multiple encounters with extraterrestrials, receiving the tablets with the 10 commandments, building the Ark of the Covenant, etc., until arriving at their destination, Canaan, the promised land.

All these events, according to the Bible, took place over a period of 40 years; even Moses did not live to enter the promised land.

The distance from Egypt to present-day Israel, from Cairo to Jerusalem, in a straight line does not exceed 600 km.

According to the Bible, about 600,000 men left Egypt, which gives, according to estimates, about 2,500,000 Israelites.

With such a large number of people who walked through the desert with entire families, elderly people, children, pregnant women, livestock and all kinds of movable property, I do not believe they moved faster than 10 KM A DAY! At a distance of about 600 km, this gives 60 days of marching, plus longer stops for rest and food, so the entire journey SHOULD NOT TAKE LONGER THAN 6 MONTHS!

So why did the Israelites wander the Sinai desert for 40 years?

There is no rational reason to keep people in complete isolation for 40 years. Or maybe there is?

1. Having been in captivity for 400 years, the people of Israel had a strong opinion about their “masters”. My grandparents, having personally experienced the horrors of World War II, also had a negative opinion about our former occupiers. My parents, I and subsequent generations know this nightmare only from stories and history lessons. Two generations of Israelites will forget about their captivity in Egypt because they did not experience it themselves. Former enemies become “only” neighbors for subsequent generations.

2. Isolating a social group from other nations strengthens their belonging to the chosen nation and faith in the one God. The same maxims and values ​​passed down from generation to generation, without external interference, become the truth, guidelines and signposts for all subsequent generations.

3. Having such a large group of people under control, you can test new technologies, food (manna from the Old Man), medicines and resistance to extreme weather conditions (desert) on them.

4. Isolating such a large social group is also an excellent opportunity for genetic manipulation of a selected social group, with the possibility of observing changes in two subsequent generations. This would not be the first case of genetic manipulation of homo sapiens by higher beings, not from our world (the first people Adam and Eve – a cross between the appe-people and the Anunnaki; Noah – a genetically modified human).

The above examples may confirm the theory that the Israelites were deliberately held in the desert for 40 years. Of course, these are just speculations, but they should not be completely ruled out.

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