Are fallen angels a rebellious group of representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization?

Fallen angels, according to the Judaic and Christian concept, are angels who, through their actions, opposed the will of the Creator, for which they were punished by exile from heaven. Such angels often tempt people to sin.

The leader of the fallen angels was the most beautiful among angels, Lucifer, the son of the Morning Star. Aware of his position and beauty, he did not want to submit to the Creator and considered himself a deity. For his rebellion, pride and disobedience he was thrown out of heaven.

Book of Isaias 14:12-15

12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning? how art thou fallen to the earth, that didst wound the nations?
13 And thou saidst in thy heart: I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit in the mountain of the covenant, in the sides of the north.
14 I will ascend above the height of the clouds, I will be like the most High.
15 But yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, into the depth of the pit.

Going further back in time, we learn from the Bible that angels physically copulated with earthly women, producing hybrids. To eradicate all the evil that came from these unions, the Lord flooded the earth, killing almost the entire human race.

Genesis 6:4

4 Now giants were upon the earth in those days. For after the sons of God went in to the daughters of men, and they brought forth children, these are the mighty men of old, men of renown.

By looking into the acryphal book of Enoch we can obtain confirmation of these deeds and events, with even greater accuracy reported by Enoch, which I will quote in several larger fragments.

Book of Enoch 6:1-8

1 And when men had multiplied, fair and beautiful daughters were born to them in those days.
2 And the sons of heaven, the angels, saw them and desired them. And one said to another, “Come, let us choose wives for ourselves from the daughters of men and beget children for ourselves.”
3 Shemihaza, who was their commander, said to them, “I fear that you will not do this, and that I alone will bear the penalty for this great sin.”
4 And they all answered him, “Let us all swear and bind ourselves with curses that we will not change this plan, but will carry it out.”
5 Then they all swore together and bound themselves with curses.
6 There were two hundred of them in all. They went down to Ardis, the top of Mount Hermon. They called it Mount Hermon, because on it they swore and bound one another with curses. 7 These are the names of their leaders: Shemihazah their leader, Urakiba, Ramiel, Kokabiel, Tamiel, Ramiel, Daniel, Ezekiel, Barakiel, Asael, Armaros, Batriel, Ananiel, Zakiel, Samsiel, Sartael (…), Turiel, Jomiel, Araziel. 8 These are the leaders of the two hundred angels and all the others with them.

Book of Enoch 7:1-6

1 And they took themselves wives, each one of them, and began to go in and to associate with them. They taught them sorcery and enchantments, and showed them how to cut roots and trees.
2 And they became pregnant and gave birth to great giants. Their height was three thousand cubits.
3 They devoured all the labor of men, and men could not sustain them.
4 The giants turned against men, to devour them.
5 And they sinned against the birds, and the beasts, and the reptiles, and the fish. They devoured the flesh of one another, and drank the blood.
6 Then the earth complained against the wicked.

Book of Enoch 8:1-4

1 Azazel taught men to make swords, and daggers, and shields, and breastplates. He showed them metals and how to work them, bracelets, and ornaments, and eye-painting, and eyelid decorations, and precious and exquisite stones, and every [kind of] colored dye. And the world was changed.
2 And great wickedness arose, and great immorality. They went astray, and all their ways became corrupt.
3 Amezarak taught the charmers and root cutters, Armaros [taught] the uncursing, Barakiel [raised] the astrologers, Kokabiel the ominous, Tamiel taught the astrologers, Asradel taught the ways of the moon. 4 People cried out as they perished, and their voice reached heaven.

Referring to the Book of Isaias, both the leader of the fallen angels and his companions (also called the Watchers) were punished by the Lord by being thrown out of heaven, and their offspring were to be destroyed in the well-known flood.

Taking into account that “spiritual” beings, i.e. without a corporeal shell, cannot have sexual intercourse with corporeal persons, there is a question of interpreting the concept of angels (watchers) and naming them in the correct way, i.e. beings with a corporeal, human-like structure, but coming from another world.

Enoch mentions the visitors by name, their number, and also specifies their landing place on Earth.

If we replace the incorrectly or intentionally mistranslated word “angel” in old texts and change it to “alien” or “visitor from heaven”, the message becomes clearer. We can then learn that this was a group of rebellious representatives of another, more advanced civilization that interfered with the development of homo sapiens.

If the reader, reading my previous posts and following my train of thought, accepts the possibility of an alien civilization interfering with the development of humanity, then he should also accept the possibility of a rebellion of part of this group of alien civilization and passing on other values ​​to people, which in turn could have been defined by the main group of aliens as heresy, due to which the latter were stigmatized for centuries.

The further fate of these two extreme groups probably led to the creation of myths and fairy tales about the good and the bad, the loving creator and his evil alter ego, and this in turn led to the creation of tales, messages, myths and cults that have influenced our consciousness to this day.

These are of course very personal speculations; whether they are meaningless or not, everyone can answer for themselves.

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