If the Anunnaki created us, so who created them?

The story of the creation of the world and people is present in ancient texts and oral traditions all over the world. Some of the oldest written accounts were found in the ruins of King Ashurbanipal’s library in the Assyrian capital of Nineveh, which is located in present-day Iraq.

King Ashurbanipal was, colloquially speaking, a bibliophile, collecting texts written in cuneiform on clay tablets in his library, starting with royal genealogies, through censuses, information about crops, weather, and ending with even older information from other kingdoms. Furthermore, Ashurbanipal, in his notes, said that “the gods inspired him with the art of reading, including ancient texts, even those from before the flood.” This is thought-provoking, as it is good evidence of the existence of advanced civilizations on Earth before the destruction of humans by the flood, which occurred around 10,500 BC.

One of the first texts about the creation of our world and man is the Sumerian creation myth called “Enuma Elish”, which among other things describes the myth of the origin of the gods and the creation of the world.

According to ancient Sumerian accounts, translated by scholars and presented by the writer Zacacharia Sitchin in the series “Earth Chronicles”, the alien civilization of the Anunnaki came to Earth from the planet Nibiru, orbiting the Sun, circling it every 3,600 years. If we accept these accounts as a fait accompli, and not mere myths and fairy tales, then according to Sytchin, the arrival of the Anunnaki took place about 445,000 years ago, and the first homo sapiens was created about 250,000 years ago in southeastern Africa. Man was created as a slave to work in gold mines, which are located in the territory of present-day South Africa. Then a pair of people were moved to a laboratory in Sumer (the Garden of Eden), where they underwent further genetic modification. The first people were incapable of procreation, so another modification corrected this error – from then on, people placed in Eden (Sumerian EDIN) began to reproduce – an allegorical proof of which may be eating the apple from the tree of knowledge.

After this brief outline of the origin of homo sapiens, let’s move on to the main topic of this post – who created the Anunnaki?

According to Sumerian texts, Enki (EA), son of the supreme ruler of Nibiru Anu, wrote some of the texts himself, some through scribes such as Adapa (probably Enki’s son) and Enmeduranki (En-men-dur-ana – probably the prototype of the Biblical Enoch, taken to heaven).

According to the notes on one of Enki’s 12 tablets, it contains, among other things, the history of Nibiru, the wars they fought, the creation of principalities, the election of a king, inheritance, the construction of an atomic bomb, the disappearing atmosphere, etc., up to Anu’s accession to the throne and the Nibiruians’ expedition to the 7th planet from the Sun (counting from the outside) for gold and other raw materials.

Many of these accounts are written in the first person, providing evidence that the author of the texts is a person who saw all this and participated in these events.

Enki described the creation of Nibiru, the creation of life, vegetation and the Nibiruian species through Enmendurana, similarly to the descriptions of the creation of life on Earth.

If life on Nibiru arose through evolution, possibly also through panspermia then the question of independent evolution from primitive to complex forms or interference of other civilizations in the development of Nibiru arises.

In this case, the following questions should be asked:
did Nibiru develop independently or through genetic interference of other, even older alien civilizations?
– if there are more populated planets in all star systems and galaxies, are Nibiru also descendants or hybrids of other, older civilizations?
– or maybe there is a single, central creative force, called by many “God”, that decides about the creation of new galaxies, systems, planets and life, which we still do not know about?

This does not directly answer the question posed today, but it gives the opportunity for independent analysis, interpretation and discussion, to which I encourage everyone.

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1 thought on “If the Anunnaki created us, so who created them?”

  1. if we really belive that anunnaki created us or genetic modified our ancestors, so its interesting who created them. but there is no answer so far


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