The Day the Earth Was Created

The Earth (Latin Terra, Tellus; Greek Γαῖα, tr. Gaia) is the third planet from the Sun in the Solar System, which formed about 4.54 billion years ago from the solar nebula, a cloud of gas and dust that transformed into a disk during the formation of the Sun. All the planets and asteroids were also supposed to have formed from this disk.

This is the official version of science, but is it correct?

The solution to this mystery may be one of the oldest known messages left by the Sumerian civilization, found in the ruins of the library of King Ashurbanipal, in the Assyrian capital of Nineveh, and in Sippar as well, which are located in present-day Iraq.

One of the discovered stories written by the Sumerians is a 12-tablet story known as the “Lost Book of Enki” written by scribes of Enki and the God Enki himself, the firstborn son of Anu, the king of the planet Nibiru.

The second tablet describes the escape of Alalu to Earth, who was removed from power on Nibiru by Anu, the search for gold in the waters of the present Persian Gulf, and most interestingly, the cosmic battle after which a new order was created in our solar system.

According to this account, in the solar system there was a planet, larger than Earth, called Tiamat by the Sumerians, which had a satellite Kingu. Due to the convergence of the paths of Nibiru and Tiamat, Nibiru hit Tiamat. The Earth was formed from most of Tiamat, and the broken pieces formed the asteroid belt that now lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Tiamat’s satellite Kingu followed Earth, becoming its satellite.

According to Babylonian mythology, Tiamat was the mother of the younger generation of gods and was killed by Marduk.
Qingu (or: Kingu) was a god in Babylonian mythology and the son of the gods Abzu and Tiamat, also killed by Marduk. And Madruk is the son of God Enki/Ea.

If we take for granted that Enki wrote down the history of the creation of our solar system, including Nibiru, Earth and the Moon, then who gave it to the Anunnaki, since they were not yet in the world.

Since the Anunnaki left us, humans, information written by the Sumerians about the creation of the Earth and the entire solar system, it is assumed that the Anunnaki received this information from an even older civilization, possibly from outside our solar system, which witnessed the creation of our planets and created beings on Nibiru.

Of course, these are loose considerations and our own interpretation of ancient accounts, but no one will say that not happened, because there is no hard evidences for it.

As always, I leave the answer of that to each individual.

The image of the Solar System comes from Wikipedia; author: CactiStaccingCrane; License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.

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