Did Americans shoot UFOs over Los Angeles in 1942? | Battle of Los Angeles

battle of los angeles 1942

On February 24, 1942, the United States Navy reported the detection of luminous objects over Los Angeles. An anti-aircraft alarm was raised and gun positions were manned. The alarm was taken seriously, given the state of war the US was in, the previous attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, and the theoretical possibility of … Read more

Was Enoch taken to the heaven twice?


What does it mean to take someone to heaven in a society dominated by many religions in which God or Gods reside in heaven and have supernatural powers? Isn’t this a form of death by which we, simple people, explain the end of life and being taken to heaven? This is a very simplified but … Read more

Were there giants on earth?


Stories about giants inhabiting the earth are very old and appear in almost all ancient oral and written traditions, on all continents. The most famous are probably the biblical described in the first Book of Genesis. In many places around the world, archaeologists are discovering remains that are too large for homo sapiens and previous … Read more

What happened in Nuremberg in 1561, was it an air battle in the Middle Ages?

nuremberg 1561

UAP, i.e. Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, or UFOs, i.e. Unidentified Flying Objects, have accompanied humanity for centuries. This is evidenced by records in various chronicles, “holy books” and oral histories. The evidence for the existence of unexplainable phenomena in our times comes mainly from eyewitness testimonies prepared by the police or other governmental or non-governmental organizations. … Read more

Adam, the first man and his wives

adam and eve

Adam, for most people who profess or at least share the idea of the Judeo-Christian religion, is the first man created by God, in his own image and likeness. Genesis 1,26-27: 26 And he said: Let us make man to our image and likeness: and let him have dominion over the fishes of the sea, … Read more

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