Chavin de Huantar – the lost temple of Ezekiel?

chavin de huantar

In today’s post I want to check whether the temple to which the prophet Ezekiel was taken exists, or did exist, and whether it could be Chavin de Huantar in present-day Peru. The temple at Chavin de Huantar lies southeast of Huaraz in the western part of central Peru, near the hamlet of Machac at … Read more

Ezekiel and present technology

ezekiel spaceship

Ezekiel and his experiences with the glory of the Lord, which I described in two previous posts: Ezekiel and the glory of the Lord and Ezekiel and the temple of the future, require a look from a different, more contemporary perspective. Did Ezekiel have visions or make it all up, or did the previously mentioned … Read more

Ezekiel and the glory of the Lord


One of the most interesting prophets of the Bible (interesting because of what happened to him) is undoubtedly Ezekiel. Ezekiel was the son of Buzi and was married, but it is difficult to find the name of his wife, she died about 4 years after God called him a prophet. The Book of Genesis reports … Read more

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