Chavin de Huantar – the lost temple of Ezekiel?

chavin de huantar

In today’s post I want to check whether the temple to which the prophet Ezekiel was taken exists, or did exist, and whether it could be Chavin de Huantar in present-day Peru. The temple at Chavin de Huantar lies southeast of Huaraz in the western part of central Peru, near the hamlet of Machac at … Read more

Did an extraterrestrial spaceship explode in Earth’s orbit in 1955?


On December 18, 1955, an object with a diameter of about 80 meters exploded in Earth’s orbit, which broke into 10 pieces. According to various hypotheses and computer calculations, the object could have been a block of ice, a meteorite or, most interestingly, an extraterrestrial spaceship. How is this possible? American astronomer John P. Bagby, … Read more

Did Abraham bargain with the Creator or a physical person from another planet for 50 righteous?

abraham and 3 angels

In one of my previous posts I presented the story of the rescue of Lot, Abraham’s nephew, from Sodom by extraterrestrials, trying to prove that he was saved by flesh-and-blood people, not “angels”. In today’s post I would like to take up this topic, going back in time a little, before the destruction of Sodom … Read more

Is the moon Phobos a way station for intelligent extraterrestrials?


Phobos (Greek Φόβος ‘fear’) – the larger of the two moons of Mars. A natural satellite orbiting the closest to its planet in the Solar System. In Greek mythology, Phobos was the son of Ares (Mars) and Aphrodite (Venus). Phobos Program (Russian: Фобос) – a flight program of two Soviet unmanned space probes sent in … Read more

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