Is the story of Cain and Abel an interpretation of much older Sumerian accounts, providing evidence of extraterrestrial interference in the development of Homo sapiens?

cain and abel

I took up the subject of Cain and Abel a few weeks ago, in the context of Cain killing Abel and his subsequent wanderings, crossing the ocean to a new land in South America, and building a city named after his son Enoch. In today’s post, I decided to direct my hypothetical considerations to the … Read more

Did the biblical Jacob see “in a dream” an unidentified flying object and representatives of other civilization?

jacob's ladder

In today’s post, I’d like to take a closer look at another biblical figure who experienced a strange revelation that was interpreted by biblical scholars as a dream. Jacob (Hebrew: יַעֲקֹב, Jaʿăqōḇ, Jaʿaqov, Arabic: يعقوب, Jaʿqūb, from aqeb – “heel”) was the son of Isaac and Rebekah, the twin brother of Esau; Rebekah was the … Read more

Was the biblical Elijah taken alive from the earth by representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization?

elijah taken to heaven

I dedicated today’s post to Elijah, who, according to the Bible, did not die on earth, but was taken alive to heaven by the Lord. Elijah (Heb: Eli-Yahu “Yahweh is my God”), called the Tishbite from the name of the city of Tishbe in the region of Gilead, was one of the Old Testament prophets … Read more

Is the Old Man the Israelites’ manna machine?

manna from heaven

In today’s story, I would like to take a closer look at a rather unusual thing that the Israelites had while wandering in the Sinai Desert after leaving Egyptian captivity. For 40 years of wandering, the people of Israel ate manna every day, which they collected (they received 1 omer per family) 6 days a … Read more

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