Was Pharaoh Akhenaten a descendant of Re/Marduk, the Sumerian Anunnaki?

In today’s post, I would like to take a closer look at one of the radical reformers or rather heretics of ancient Egypt, who turned the beliefs of the Egyptians of that time upside down. There is a hypothetical justification for saying that he is a direct descendant of the Egyptian God Ra (Re), who is identified with the Sumerian Marduk, the son of Enki and the grandson of Anu, and therefore a hybrid of Anunnaki and an Earth woman.

Akhenaten, initially called Amenhotep IV, son of Pharaoh Amenhotep III from the 18th dynasty, ruled during the so-called New Kingdom and is known, in my opinion, for two distinctive things:

1. He changed the system of beliefs from polytheism, or belief in many Gods, to henetoism, or the exaltation of one God Aton (Aten) over others; or, if you prefer, monotheism, or the belief in one God. Regardless of the interpretation, Akhenaten established Aten as the highest deity in Egypt, who had the appearance of a solar disk. It is possible that the “solar disk” seen by Akhenaten was simply a round flying vehicle of unknown origin and impossible to properly interpret by the people of that time?

There is an assumption that this happened after Akhenaten’s personal contact with visitors (Anunnaki) from another planet, who had been interfering with the development and life of Homo sapiens for centuries. The experience was so shocking for the pharaoh that he decided to change the religious system in his country and throw out the belief in many other Gods.

As we know, the monotheistic system in Egypt did not last long, after his death polytheism was restored, and attempts were made to forget about the subversive pharaoh by removing information about his changes.

2. The shape of Akhenaten’s head (elongated skull) may suggest his difference for several reasons:
a. he suffered a serious illness in childhood that caused a mutation
b. his head was tightly bound with tape from childhood in order to obtain an elongated shape, as was the case in Africa; this may be the result of contact between the natives and extraterrestrials with such elongated heads
c. Akhenaten is a hybrid of Anunnaki and an earthling, so he received the shape of his head from a non-human parent.

Diverging from the mainstream of science and not delving into the religious turmoil of ancient Egypt, although it is difficult to avoid it, the big question for today is:

Did Akhenaten have contact, or rather contacts, with representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization, which shaped his faith from Aten, or was he a hybrid descendant of Anunnaki and the changes he introduced in Egypt were the result of his family legacy?

As usual, I leave the answer to this question to each individual.

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